About our mission

We help create a new framework for global discussion on animals in law.

The aim of GAL is to help create a new framework for global discussion on animals in law. GAL is an independent and worldwide pioneering authority for the health and protection of animals through the law.

The global approach of GAL encompasses the concept of "One Health/One Welfare" - the health of humans, animals and the environment are strongly interconnected, and we must live together in harmony for sustainable global health. The health of animals is understood as a state of complete physical, mental and social welfare.


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Global Animal Law
Global Animal Law

About us

GAL aims to be the leading organization in global animal law.

We provide key expertise and legal guidance to improve the health and protection of all animals worldwide.

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  • GAL Animal Guide

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Dr. Dr. h.c. Antoine F. Goetschel (Global Animal Law Association): Animal Welfare – Representation Now, Rights Maybe Later: Urgent Measures on the Regional, National and Global Level


As the largest marginalised group in society in terms of numbers, animals are currently under pressure in law, business and society. 

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... and the animal? Where is our relationship with animals heading From the perspective of society, law, ethics and the economy?


What incentives can be used to promote animal welfare and animal health, including aspects of pandemic prevention and antibiotic resistance, in Luxembourg, Europe and worldwide?

Developments in medical law

Developments in medical law - from traditional medical law to One Health


The time seems ripe to call for a legally binding convention under the umbrella of the UN that takes animal health into account alongside animal welfare and thus builds a bridge to human health.

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CABI Article - Animal welfare as the basis of One Health


Animal welfare as the basis of One Health: A UN convention on animal welfare, health, and protection poses a realistic solution to improved animal welfare and human health

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 Highland cattle


Frequently Asked Questions

Most common questions and answers about GAL.

As an international NGO, GAL doesn't have the mandate to intervene in any country in relation to any particular or issue. However, we may provide expert guidance wherever it is possible (based on our scope, resources and knowledge).

At the UN, GAL is a member of the NGO Major Group and the Animal Issues Thematic Cluster (AITC). More generally, GAL takes part in international discussions related to animal protection as an active member of the International Policy Forum (IPF).
The UN Convention on Animal Health and Protection (UNCAHP) is a project created and led by GAL which we are pursuing to be adopted by the UN General Assembly.

There are other international NGOs working in animal protection, however, GAL is unique in global animal law, being the leading expert organization working in this field.

Global Animal Law GAL Association was founded in 2016 by Dr. iur. Antoine F. Goetschel in Zurich, after the GAL project was first launched in July 2014. GAL's goal is to improve the protection of all animals through law. In other words, GAL aims to provide the necessary expert legal guidance to improve the lives and well-being of all animals (companion, farm, lab, sport, entertainment and wild) in every country in the world at the national, regional and global level. The law is as a powerful means, and a decisive key, for the protection of animals.



GAL in the Media

Press Releases, Publications, News and Other Media

GAL appears regularly in the media. Here you can find the reports about GAL in press releases, publications, news and other media.



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