As the largest marginalised group in society in terms of numbers, animals are currently under pressure in law, business and society.
What incentives can be used to promote animal welfare and animal health, including aspects of pandemic prevention and antibiotic resistance, in Luxembourg, Europe and worldwide?
The time seems ripe to call for a legally binding convention under the umbrella of the UN that takes animal health into account alongside animal welfare and thus builds a bridge to human health.
Animal welfare as the basis of One Health: A UN convention on animal welfare, health, and protection poses a realistic solution to improved animal welfare and human health
The team at GAL would like to extend our warmest congratulations to Dr Antoine Goetschel, Founder and Director of GAL, for being awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the University of Berne.
Jurist international on reducing animal suffering through global legislation in International Lawyers Association UIA.
Stay informed about developments and projects at GAL, as well as news about animals in the law.