To bring in the legal animal issue to – often district-based – universities. Students of law, philosophy, veterinary medicine, zoology and similar studies are interested in understanding more about this actual and relevant field: the human-animal bond in law. The students are taught about the actual legal framework at local, district, national and international level.
Based on the Big Five issues they are able to scientifically draft proper proposals for better law adoption and a better law enforcement process. They learn about the political development. They also learn about how to motivate legislators and public opinion and which arguments and scientific information can help with this.
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Idea behind this:
Backing up the legal animal issue with science helps public discussion. It takes the animal issue from a personal opinion (often an emotionally charged level where it is hard to be objective) to a standard level. This makes its understandable to all interest groups. The legal animal issue in the local university is an important acknowledgement that animals belong to the public and political framework, and the animal issue if of public interest.
Side effects:
Some law students may sooner or later end up in influential positions in courts, as public prosecutors, responsible for police departments, as attorneys, lobbyists or as politicians. A well-educated group of open-hearted and cool-headed specialists in influential places can make opinions move.