As Stated in the example provided, for instance, by the article 11.3 of the
Act to amend the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, adopted in 2008 in the canadian province of Ontario:
"Every veterinarian who has reasonable grounds to believe that an animal has been or is being abused or neglected shall report his or her belief to an inspector or an agent of the Society."
This obligation should be adopted in every country and allow veterinarians to report to the local police and/or relevant responsibles of animal protection organisations in order to rescue the animal victim(s) and condemn the person(s) recognized guilty of mistreatment or cruelty.
This obligation should also provide legal protection to the veterinarians, as provided by another canadian example, knowing the article 14 of the Chapter II (Obligations of care and prohibited acts) of the
Act to improve the legal situation of animals, adopted in the province of Quebec in 2015:
"A veterinary surgeon or an agrologist who has reasonable cause to believe that an animal is being or has been subjected to abuse or mistreatment or that it is or has been in distress must, without delay, report their observations to the Minister and provide the [provincial] Minister with (1) the name and address of the owner or custodian of the animal, if the information is known; and (2) the animal’s identification. No judicial proceedings may be instituted against a veterinary surgeon or an agrologist".
See online:
- Provincial Animal Welfare Act, 2008, S.O. 2008, (chap. 16 - Bill 50), Ontario (Canada) Assented to November 27, 2008:
- An Act to improve the legal situation of animals, Bill 54 (2015, chapter 35), Quebec (Canada) Assented to 4 December 2015: