Sharpen public awareness on animals in law and ethics and the animal needs as a common issue in society


Nationally supported and coordinated education sharpens public awareness on the role of animals in our society. It shows the benefits of a sane human-animal relationship and the ways to get there together by enforcing the existing and adopting a new legal framework. With educational support, animals are acknowledged as a legal part of society whose needs are to be neglected no longer.


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Idea behind this:
Animal owner’s interests relating to profit, private pleasure and in practicing religion will be balanced with the society’s interest of a sane human-animal relationship. Education makes this easier and helps to make the nation’s society more humane as well. All levels and ages are integrated, from young to old, from workers to academics, from policemen and other authorities to state attorneys, judges, politicians, animal owners, animal welfare and rights lobbyists.



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Item information:

Level: National
Goal: Education
Item: Let knowledge arise!

Contribution made by
AFG - 08.07.2014

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