Lyne Letourneau

Professor of Agricultural and Food Ethics, Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Lyne Létourneau has had an interest in issues related to animal protection law and ethics since her graduate studies in Law at Université de Montréal and University of Aberdeen. Combining her legal background with an expertise in applied ethics, she explored the ethical foundations of animal protection regulation in areas such as biomedical research, animal food production, and anti-cruelty legislations. She also studied the interface between regulations and ethics in animal biotechnology, and is currently looking into the ethics of genome edition in production animals. Many questions involving animal protection are currently gaining her attention, from cruel animal food practices to the value of fish wildlife in the St Lawrence River. Lyne Létourneau is a Full Professor in the Animal Science Department at Université Laval, where she teaches agricultural and food ethics. Over the years, she has had the pleasure of supervising Master and PhD theses on animal law. She recently published L'éthique du hamburger : Penser l'agriculture et l'alimentation au XXIe siècle (Presses de l'Université Laval), a collective book which she co-edited with Louis-Étienne Pigeon.
Her motivation in joining this group of experts resides in her desire to reinforce her ties with a global community of experts sharing her interest in animal protection issues with a view to improving the treatment of animals worldwide.