Ever Vimbai Chinoda

Expert Ever Vimbai Chinoda

Bachelor of Law

My name is Ever Vimbai Chinoda, I am currently undertaking studies of the world's first and only LL.M. Degree in Animal Law at Lewis and Clark Law School in Oregon, US. I am a holder of a Bachelor of Law (Honors) degree with the University of Zimbabwe.

I am a Zimbabwean, employed as a Legal Officer at Parks and Wildlife Management Authority.

My work mainly focuses on legislation drafting, lobbying and advocacy on animal protection laws around Zimbabwe to both public and private stakeholders.

I also watch in brief major cases involving wildlife trafficking, poaching, illegal possession of ivory and assist the public prosecutors to prefer correct charges and go through trial understanding the process, value and what the law states about specific wildlife cases and the latest case I watched in brief is that of CECIL THE LION.

My aim is to become an Animal Law expert in Africa who is known to be passionate and proactive in protecting animals through the legal system. It is my desire to make an impact by influencing and supporting African lawyers to understand and appreciate animal law and more importantly to have a reasonable number of lawyers commit their practice to this unique field of law.

Animal protection goes far beyond borders and I want to make an impact by changing the focus of Africa from wildlife conservation to a much broader perspective of protection of ALL animals, agricultural, companion and wildlife.


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