Elien Verniers
Elien Verniers is a PhD Researcher at the University of Ghent (Belgium). Within the department of European, Public and International Law, she is part of the Centre for Environmental Law. In October 2018 she started as a mandate-holder of a BOF scholarship in the field of Environmental Law. Her interests lie in Environmental Law, with particular interests in Animal and Law. She is preparing her doctorate (LL.D) "Towards new legal instruments for animal welfare".
Currently she also assists with the 'Animal & Law' course at the University of Ghent (the first University in Belgium who offered such a course) and supervises LL.M students with their master dissertations on Animal and Law.
As part of her LL.M Program she participated in the course 'Animal & Law' (at the University of Ghent) where she obtained a summa cum laude degree.
Some of her recent publications are : "Le Code wallon du Bien-être animal: révolution ou réformation?" (The Walloon Animal Welfare Code: revolution or reformation?) [Revue Semestrielle de Droit Animalier (RSDA)]; "Dierenwelzijn in de Europese Unie" (Animal Welfare in the European Union) [Nieuw Juridisch Weekblad (NJW)] ; "Verbod op onverdoofd slachten: wachten op Luxemburg" (Ban on unstunned slaughter: awaiting Luxembourg) [Juristenkrant]; "'Ik hou nie van madammen met nen bontjas'. Het kersverse Pelsdieren- en foie gras-decreet" ('I don't like madams with fur coats'. The brand-new Fur and Foie Gras Act) [Stedenbouw, Omgeving, Ruimtelijke ordening en Milieu (STORM)]; "Positieflijst voor reptielen: eerder negatief" (Positive list for reptiles: rather negative) [Juristenkrant]; ...