Dr. Yoriko Otomo

Expert Dr. Yoriko Otomo

Director of the Global Research Network

Dr Yoriko Otomo is Director of the Global Research Network (www.grn.global), a supportive interdisciplinary organisation for early career researchers. She serves as a Fellow at the Royal Society of Arts, Governor for the Network for International Law Students, a member of the Boards of Minding Animals International and the Australian Feminist Law Journal, on the editorial team of the Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, and runs a consultancy, Write Like a Samurai (which hosts the Global Research Network). She is a Research Associate (formerly Senior Lecturer) at SOAS Law School, University of London. Yoriko has published Making Milk: The Past, Present and Future of Our Primary Food (Bloomsbury Press, 2017) (now out in paperback), and convenes the Milk Studies Network for scholars, activists and scientists working on human, animal, insect and plant milks. Her latest monograph, Unconditional Life: The International Law Settlement was published by Oxford University Press and she has written extensively on environmental law history and animal law, including 'The Question of the Animal: A Critical Jurisprudence (Routledge Press, 2014 edited with Edward Mussawir), and 'The End of the City and the Last Man: Urban Animals and the Law'.

Her full publication list is available here: http://www.writelikeasamurai.com/recentpublications.html


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