Aloïse Quesne

Expert Aloïse Quesne

Lecturer in private law at the University of Paris-Saclay, Evry Val d'Essonne, member of the Centre de Recherche Léon Duguit, and associate researcher at the Institut Demolombe of the University of Caen Normandy.

Aloïse Quesne is the first winner of the Law Prize of the Fondation Droit Animal Ethique & Sciences (LFDA), chaired by Louis Schweitzer. This prize was awarded to her in 2014 for her lecture course on animal experimentation law, which has been taught since 2012 as part of the Master's Degree in the Valorisation of Biological Innovations at the University of Caen Normandie.

Administrator of the Groupement de Réflexion et d'Action pour l'AnimaL (GRAAL), an association specialising in the rehabilitation of laboratory animals when they are in good health at the end of the protocol, she is also a member of the "Retreat of laboratory animals" working group set up by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

Aloïse Quesne is a member of the Scientific Council of the Société française de Zoosémiotique and a member of the Editorial Committee of the Zoosemiotic collection published by L'HARMATTAN.

Her works focuses mainly on animal health law, animal experimentation law, animal biotechnology law and the One Health concept, in order to analyse the various interactions between human, animal and environmental health.

She has created a lecture course in animal and plant life law within the Master 2 Health and Biotechnology Law Master's programme in Evry. She is also director of the Law Clinic, which she has chosen to focus on the One Health theme.

In particular, Aloïse Quesne was the scientific director of an international symposium entitled "La sensibilité animale: approches juridiques et enjeux transdisciplinaires", which took place on 23 October 2020 at the University of Caen Normandy.

Among her recent publications :

  • La sensibilité animale: approches juridiques et enjeux transdisciplinaires, A. Quesne (dir.), Peter Lang [to be published in 2021]
  • « La place juridique de « l'animal thérapeute » et du soin par le contact animalier », in F.-X. Roux-Demare (dir.), Animal & Santé, Mare & Martin [to be published in 2021]
  • « La protection des animaux de compétition et de concours », in F.-X. Roux-Demare (dir.), La protection animale ou l'approche catégorielle, Institut Universitaire Varenne [to be published in 2021]
  • « Expérimentation animale : analyse du décret n°2020-274 du 17 mars 2020 modifiant certaines dispositions relatives à la protection des animaux utilisés à des fins scientifiques », RGDM, n°76, sept. 2020, p. 209 à 214.
  • « L'utilisation expérimentale de l'animal », in F.-X. Roux-Demare (dir.), L'animal et l'homme, Mare & Martin, 2019, p. 137 à 149.

You can follow her news on her Linkedln profile


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